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Lake Wales FL Recovery Church


A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

Lake Wales FL Recovery Church


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A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

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Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM

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322 N Scenic Hwy 

Lake Wales, FL 33853

Recovery Church Movement Worship

recovery church

The Service

We begin the service with announcements. Announcements are followed by contemporary worship music, followed by crosses for those cerebrating less than two years and then sermon, testimony or topic. We usually end with one or two more songs and then encourage people to hang around to meet others, talk directly with those who shared or spoke, and get a sponsor/sponsee. The last Thursday of every month is Anniversary Night. This is a time in which we celebrate lengths of sobriety, greater than a year, by eating cake and by handing out crosses as a tangible reminder of the changes we have made in our lives.

The Service
Our Team

Lake Wales, FL


(All leaders are listed alphabetically by first name)

Andy Blair

Campus Lead

Andy's family has loved Lake Wales since the moment we visited here 5 years ago. They have put roots down here, and look forward to making this their home for the duration.. Andy and his wife Becky were raised in Kentucky, and they will celebrate 30 years of marriage in August. Becky is currently in her 5th year of teaching at Polk Avenue Elementary. They have two daughters who are both married and have careers. Andy loves hunting, fishing and golf. He has over 25 years of successful business experience most of which was spent in Fortune 500 companies. His last job he successfully managed a profit and loss business unit of over $20 million and a team of 15-20 direct reports. They have lived in Ky, TN two times, Florida 3 times (This being the 3rd and final time- he says he's never leaving Florida again), South Carolina, Indiana, Georgia, Texas and Mississippi, Despite his success in business, In 2006 Andy found himself bankrupt spiritually, mentally, physically, and found himself in a drug and alcohol rehab. There he surrendered to God, and since then, God has been working in and through him and his family. Andy says he spent the first almost 40 years of his life serving himself and made a vow that for the rest of his life he would use his experience, story, and his passion to serve others. Andy left corporate America in 2012, to ministry full-time. He went through a 3 year ordination process then left St. Pete/ Clearwater area to become the senior pastor of Crosspoint Church in Natchez, MS where he served for almost 4 years. They moved to Lake Wales in 2017 as Andy accepted a job as the Family Life pastor at High Point Church where he oversaw the Youth and Children's ministries. Since coming here, Andy has been involved in the Lake Wales Community. In 2020 God placed a vision for a different kind of place,, a faith-based residential regeneration program in Lake Wales to help guide men towards sobriety through a God-centered life. A place that offers hope to the hopeless and faith to the faithless. As someone who endured and overcame his own struggle with addiction, he understands the importance of recovery options that provide more than just traditional "rehabilitation services". Andy resigned from HighPoint in September of 2020 and they took their first guy into the program on March 22, 2021. It's only fitting that Andy launch a ministry on 3-22 that will further expand the Gospel to all who are suffering from addiction to the entire community of Lake Wales.

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Recovery Church Movement Worship



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Recovery Church Lake Wales

322 N Scenic Hwy, Lake Wales, FL 33853, USA

Make checks payable to “Recovery Church" 

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Recovery Church Lake Wales, FL is a local independent church in Kingdom partnership with the Association of Recovery Churches which is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

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