A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

Service - Sundays at 10:00 AM
Classes - Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays 7:00 PM

52 Pavilion Circle
Macks Creek, MO 65786

recovery church
The Service
Recovery Church Ozarks meets Sundays at 10:00 AM. This will be a service with worship music, followed by sermon and then fellowship. Classes will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays at 7:00 PM.
Ozarks, MO
(All leaders are listed alphabetically by first name)

Bradley Berg
Campus Lead
Hello, I am Bradley Berg. I am the author of multiple books, and podcasts. I also do Christian coaching all over the world. I am happily married to my wonderful wife Kimberly Wennerlyn. We have three adult children and two beautiful grandchildren. I wake up every day to Serve God and people. I have a Master’s in Divinity, am an Ordained Pastor, and have my Doctorate PhD in Counseling. I have approximately 30 plus certifications in mental and behavioral health. I also coach Neuroscience, Neurofeedback, Neuroplasticity, and cognitive modalities,.

Kim Wennerlyn
Servant Leader
Hello, my name is Kimberly Wennerylyn. I have been happily married to my wonderful husband Bradley Berg. We have three adult children: Shelby, Ashley, and Ashley. We love and are incredibly proud of them. We are blessed with two beautiful grandchildren. We own an RV there and and Pavilion Place a sober living residence. I keep very active with the organizations. I wake up every day to Serve God and people.
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You can mail a check to the following address:
Attn. Recovery Church Ozarks
52 Pavilion Circle
Macks Creek, MO 65786
Make checks payable to “Recovery Church"
Memo: Recovery Church Ozarks
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Recovery Church Ozarks, MO is a local independent church in Kingdom partnership with the Association of Recovery Churches which is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.