A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

Fridays @ 7:00 PM

North 40 Campus 516 4th Ave.
NW, New London, MN

recovery church
The Service
Recovery Church is a place for those struggling with addictions. At Recovery Church our primary focus is on helping the drug addict and alcoholic find Jesus and recovery. Addiction to alcohol and drugs are to be kept relentlessly in the foreground, so that other issues will not take over the group's focus. We believe that almost anyone will find the fellowship and process helpful to their recovery journey. All who are struggling with addictions are welcome and can benefit from being a part of our family. "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure." 1 Corinthians 10:13 (NLT) We begin the service with contemporary worship music, followed by a sermon or testimony that connects the scriptures with recovery. Following the service, we offer a 30-minute “open share” time in which people can share what is on their hearts in a small group setting. The last Friday of every month is Anniversary Night. It is a time in which we celebrate lengths of sobriety by handing out crosses as a tangible reminder of the changes we have made in our lives.
New London, MN
(All leaders are listed alphabetically by first name)

Brian Orsten
Campus Lead
I became a follower of Jesus at the age of 13 and I trusted Him completely with my “forever” life, my eternity, but never with my day-to-day life. I believed my identity, who I was as a father, husband, son and even a believer was based on my performance. At the age of 51, while helping a friend, I was trapped in a major gas explosion. Engulfed in flames, I watched myself burning to death and I cried out “Jesus save me” and He did. My injuries were extensive, and I could no longer perform even the simplest things in my day-to-day life. I became addicted to pain medication and in my darkest moment even tried to leave my life, but Jesus saved me again and finally the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I was no longer in control my medications, they controlled me. I admitted I was powerless and could no longer manage my life. I reached out to my friends at Recovery Church North 40 and was welcomed with love and acceptance. I was allowed to be vulnerable without judgment and be my authentic self. Once I was able to reach out for help, I surrendered all of my life, not just my eternity, to Jesus Christ, LORD of my life. Now, my identity is no longer based on my performance but by the transformation God is doing in my life and the lives of others. God is at work here at Recovery Church North 40!

Jason Schorn
Servant Leader
My name is Jason Schorn and I am from New London, MN. Growing up, I had enough knowledge from my childhood that if I asked God for hell insurance (the insurance where you ask God for forgiveness at your deathbed), He would forgive me and allow me to go to heaven.
It’s only through God‘s grace, the 12 steps and working with other alcoholic/addicts that I am free from alcoholism today. With my freedom, I choose to serve the Lord by helping others to recover from addiction and to find a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am so so thankful that I learned how to worship my Father here on earth and didn’t have to wait until heaven.
I am also thankful for Recovery Church. Today, I have the opportunity to ask other alcoholics and addicts to attend Recovery Church with me as Jesus draws them closer and closer to himself as we go through the 12 steps together.

Tracy Christiansen
Servant Leader
I had my first drink at 14 years of age and immediately drank to the point of blackouts. I thought drugs and alcohol were the answers to the pain from childhood trauma. Instead, I suffered both physically, mentally and spiritually. Even after starting my recovery journey 20 years ago in the rooms of AA/NA, I struggled with relapses. I knew deep in my heart it was because I lacked a relationship with God. After I spent a year at MNTC, a Christian based treatment program, my life was completely changed. I accepted Christ as my Savior in 2013 and began building my life with a firm foundation in God.
I strongly believe in the 12 Values of Recovery Church and working the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. My life now has a true purpose, which is sharing “His Story” and helping those who are lost and still suffering. Most recently, this calling led me on a six-week long road trip, visiting 15 Recovery Churches, attending AA/NA meetings and sharing God’s love in 16 states throughout the country. It was a trip God graciously granted me. It has humbled and forever changed me, and I can’t wait to get on the road again!
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You can mail a check to the following address:
The Open Door Christian Church
Attn. Recovery Church
PO Box 743 New London, MN 56273
Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Recovery Church New London, MN is a ministry of The Open Door Church a local independent church in Kingdom partnership with the Association of Recovery Churches which is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.