A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

Not Open To Public

3228 Gun Club Rd
West Palm Beach, FL 33406

recovery church
The Service
Recovery Church H & I PBC Jail (aka Gun Club) meets weekly inside the Main Detention Center. This is a closed meeting for those incarcerated. H & I has a history within the 12-Step fellowships of taking a committee into rehabs, hospitals, and institutions to help people recover from alcoholism or drug addiction. Due to the nature of these types of locations, there are some requirements and procedures upon entering this facility. If you would like to join the team, please click here for more information.
West Palm Beach, FL
(All leaders are listed alphabetically by first name)

David Wise
Campus Lead
Dave has a background in corrections having worked in the field for 16 years. He is currently completing bible college and serves as a deacon at the Avenue church along with managing a halfway house and working part time at a treatment center. Dave is on the board a the jail and feels called to this ministry to bring the good news to those who are behind bars and to lead those who are lost and in the dark to Jesus

Grace Re
Campus Lead
Grace has been a part of AA for almost 9 years and the church for 6. She serves on the prayer team as well as leading small groups to encourage other women and point them to Christ. God has placed on her heart brining RC to those who are unable to come to us. God has radically changed her life and continues to through the steps and the bible and wants to share that solution with all who are lost and struggling
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You can mail a check to the following address:
Attn. Recovery Church Gun Club
Make checks payable to “Recovery Church"
Memo: Thank you for supporting this ministry!

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Recovery Church PBC Jail, FL is a local independent church in Kingdom partnership with the Association of Recovery Churches which is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.