A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

Food & Fellowship @ 6:00PM
Service @ 7:00PM

129 Miller Ave
Portsmouth, NH 03801

recovery church
The Service
Recovery Church Portsmouth meets every Wednesday for food and fellowship at 6:00PM. The service begins at 7:00PM with relevant worship music, followed by a message or testimony and an open share session in which people can share what is on their hearts. The last Wednesday of every month is Anniversary Night. It is a time where we celebrate lengths of recovery and hand out recovery coins as a tangible reminder of the changes God has made in our lives. All are welcome!
Click Here to read an incredible news article about RC Portsmouth!
Portsmouth, NH
(All leaders are listed alphabetically by first name)

Servant Leader
Freddy has been sober since January 25, 2019. After a lifetime of alcohol and drug abuse, God did for him what he could not do for himself. At age 45, going blind ended up saving his life, through the Grace of God, as he found AA and went through the 12-step program. He committed himself to serving others through his non-profit. Shortly thereafter he committed his life to Jesus Christ, his Highest Power. After visiting Recovery Church in Florida, he realized how badly the Seacoast needs Recovery Church. He is passionate about sharing what God has done in his life. He is often found quoting his favorite verse, Romans 12:2: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind". Living sober is FUN! So LET'S HAVE FUN WITH JESUS!

Servant Leader
“....in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Rom 8:28
At a young age I experienced the faithfulness of a loving God who kept me safe throughout a tumultuous & abusive childhood. I identify with the underdog, the lost, & the hurting. I know from experience that only by allowing God to direct my life can I fully live the life that He intends for me. Nine years in AA has given me the tools to break the grip of alcohol; forty-four years as a follower of Jesus Christ continues to give me the strength to use those tools for His kingdom. I am beyond excited to play a part in the RC Movement, bringing to others on the NH Seacoast the knowledge of the love & salvation that only Jesus can give.
God has blessed me with a loving, supportive husband of forty-seven years, two adult children, five grandchildren, and a supportive family of faith and recovery. I am blessed!

Servant Leader
Joy has been a believer in Jesus Christ since a young age and a recent supporter of Al Anon. She thoroughly enjoys helping others in need as part of her personal journey. Most recently she has been praying for God's purpose and direction for her life. During a visit to Florida (and not by coincidence!) she was introduced to Recovery Church. Seeing a need to bring others to know Jesus, she prayed on the idea of planting a Recovery Church in Portsmouth. Through the Grace of God, this vision is becoming a reality. Most of us are going through some sort of recovery and only God can guide us with his Word through his Grace.
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You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation via debit/credit card or by check to Recovery Church Portsmouth location by clicking the button below.

You can mail a check to the following address:
Attn. Recovery Church Portsmouth
PO Box 585
Stratham, NH 03885-0585
Make checks payable to “Recovery Church"
Thank you for supporting this ministry!
Recovery Church Portsmouth, NH is a local independent church in Kingdom partnership with the Association of Recovery Churches which is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization. (EIN - 93-2139594)