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Recovery Church Solid Rock NY


A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

Recovery Church Solid Rock NY


(716) 253-3235

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A Church Created BY the Recovery Community FOR the Recovery Community

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Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM

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8590 Rochester Rd

Gasport, NY 14067

Recovery Church Movement Worship

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The Service

We will open our doors weekly at 6:30 PM for food, fellowship, and coffee. At 7:00 PM we will begin our service with some announcements. We will then have our music team play 2 - 3 songs of contemporary worship music, and then move into our teaching or testimony. We will close out our night with surrender crosses and prayer. We encourage people to hang around after for fellowship and meet others. The last Tuesday of every month will be Anniversary Night. This is a time in which we will celebrate various lengths of clean time by handing out crosses as a tangible reminder of the changes that we have made in our lives.

The Service
Our Team

Solid Rock, NY


(All leaders are listed alphabetically by first name)

Craig Udell

Campus Lead

Craig Udell was one of the Leaders at RC Buffalo - The Lord has put it on his heart to branch out and open one closer to home. He has overcome addiction and has quite a story. We all have different tolerances for pain, some need to go to greater extremes than others before they surrender, and Craig was one of those stories. Philippians 4:13 “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us”. I was the prodigal son. I had it all and lost it all. God's grace and mercy found me. He left the 99 to come get me. I was homeless, jobless, and penniless without any hope. I walked away from my family, my children and soon, I was facing 16 years in prison for drug-related crimes. On Jan 8th, 2012, many prayers were answered. I was arrested, or as I see today, I was rescued. I found myself by working through the 12 steps, but more importantly I found God. I would be doing a disservice to the Lord if I did not share my testimony with others (Luke 8:39 “Return to your own house and tell what great things God has done for you”). The Lord has opened so many doors for me. I have shared my testimony on various platforms, and if sharing my experience of pain helps just one person, then it was worth the suffering. I am currently married, with 3 children, and I am here to follow God's will, because following mine almost killed me,

John Guilfoyle

Servant Leader

John is married with three kids. He grew up in a Christian home, going to church every Sunday and Wednesday. He battled addictions since he was in his teens. John's first attempt at getting clean was in bible college. He was eventually kicked out of bible college and decided to join the army. John ran as fast as he could away from God. In the army John's addiction spiraled out of control. It was at that time he tried to take his own life.

John quoted “I'm only here because God had other plans. I've been delivered by the power and grace of God. He made me one of His ragamuffin children and has given me purpose in my life. I am currently back in bible college through the Assemblies of God and will soon be a certified minister. I love telling people about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and what He's done for all us ragamuffins!”

Rob Udell

Technical Director

Jeremiah 29:11… For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future… That’s a banner that hangs on the back wall when you enter our church’s sanctuary.  

I was a wanna-be rich and famous guy. The “rock-n-roll lifestyle”…that was for me. When that dream was put on ice, I tried to fill it with other things. God has always had different plans though, and he knows the timing of it all. Good news is, I’ve been delivered from being a prideful, selfish and self-loathing person. My wife Stef and I have been married since ’02 and together for longer. And God put her in my life no question. I don’t think it’s over reaching to say she has prevented me from a life of destruction. I couldn’t imagine where I would be today without her. And we have an amazing, funny, musically talented, brilliant, beautiful daughter Maddie. No question that God definitely has a sense of humor.  And after many years of not seeing him, I’m excited to be back with my Cousin Craig and my friend John G, and the many others that are joining in at RC to provide steps and hope. A direction out of addiction and sin.      1 John 2:15-17. His name is Jesus Christ. Who was, is and always will be, the great deliverer.

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Attn. Recovery Church Solid Rock

8590 Rochester Rd

Gasport, NY 14067

Make checks payable to “Recovery Church" 

Memo: Recovery Church Solid Rock

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Recovery Church Solid Rock is a local independent church in Kingdom partnership with the Association of Recovery Churches which is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

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Narcotics Anonymous

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(949) 609-8317

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(561) 972-4142

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 (888) 444-2359

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