Serving As: Regional Coach - SC, NC, & GA
Columbia, SC
RC Location: RCM / Columbia
After years of seeking peace, acceptance, and fulfillment through alcohol and many other things, Jimmy found himself in total despair. It was a place of helplessness and hopelessness, and he did not want to live anymore. Through a series of events, he cried out to God to help him or let him die. He wanted and expected the latter, BUT GOD had other plans. He ended up in a treatment facility and started down the road to recovery in the rooms of AA. He had fully committed to this program of recovery and had a "Spiritual awakening as the result of these steps" but had not fully surrendered to the God who had delivered him from that hopeless state. When he fully surrendered and allowed the Lord to have His way with him, he began to experience a freedom that he'd never experienced before.
For the last 15+ years, God has allowed him to work with hundreds of folks in Christ Centered recovery settings. Further testament to His Grace is his amazing wife of 30+ years, Julie, and his two beautiful daughters, Keli and Karis.
Our team has dedicated themselves to the mission and vision of Recovery Church Movement where God is moving more powerfully than we could have imagined. Through the power of Jesus and the ministry of Recovery Church, men and women are coming to faith in Christ, being pulled from the bondage of addiction, and brought to purpose through Him. Each week Recovery Church serves thousands of people who desire to maintain their sobriety while strengthening their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Each team member at RCM is responsible for building support for the Movement to further the ministry and reach our vision of a Recovery Church in every city in this nation and beyond.