A Church FOR People in Recovery,
BY People in Recovery
Fridays @ 6:00PM
24 9th Ave, Suite C
Longmont, CO 80501
Our gatherings are open to all people in recovery, curious about recovery, and any loved ones affected by addiction in others.
Fridays - 6:00PM-7:00PM (come as early as 5:30PM), then join us at 7:00PM for fellowship and pizza.
At 6:00PM, our two co-chairs open with a form of worship, followed by each co-chair sharing on a topic from a 12-Step perspective and a Biblical perspective. The gathering is then open for group discussion, closing with prayer. The last Friday of the month is anniversary night; It is a time when we celebrate recovery and personal victory milestones.
Children's Recovery Church meets in a separate room during the same times as the main gatherings. Children's church is led by a group member.
Servant Leadership
Recovery Church Longmont through prayer has unanimously agreed to adhere to the 12-traditions and a form of 12-concepts for our group and service structure. We feel lead by God to embrace all spiritual principles outlined in the 12-step fellowships. Therefore, we have opted to created service positions. Each service position has a brief description of the responsibilities and only the first name of the person(s) currently serving in each role.
Christi & Jenifer
These two people are our servant leaders for the Friday night main gathering. They open and close with worship and prayer. They collectively pick a topic where one shares from a Biblical perspective and the other shares from a 12-Step perspective.
Position - Currently Open
Childcare Coordinator
This servant leader creates God-centered projects for the children who come with parents and guardians. Group members rotate teaching the kids each week. The coordinator creates and maintains a signup sheet.
Hospitality Coordinator
This servant leader oversees the flow and logistics of welcoming, greeting, and fellowship time and cleanup.
Position - Currently Open
Technology Administrator
This servant leader oversees the technological side of our church, including website, social media, recording, archiving, etc.
This servant leader is a steward of the church’s financial contributions by collecting, depositing, documenting, paying bills, and creating reports to be distributed to its leadership team and members.
Recovery Church Longmont is a local independent church in Kingdom partnership with Association of Recovery Churches which is an exempt 501(c)(3) organization.
You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation via debit/credit card or by check to Recovery Church Longmont location by clicking the button below.
You can mail a check to the following address:
Attn. Recovery Church Longmong
24 9th Ave, Suite C
Longmont, CO 80501
Make checks payable to “Recovery Church"
Memo: Recovery Church Longmont
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